
As of 18th September 2023, Mr Hisham Osman has received 166 reviews on iWantGreatCare with average ratings of 5/5 stars for Recommend, Trust and Listening. He has received the 2022 iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence. Please visit his iWantGreatCare profile page to read reviews or leave one of your own.

“Mr Osman and all the breast care team were very reassuring, respectful and kind. It was a shock to receive my diagnosis but the way my diagnosis and future treatment were explained and the way I was cared for made me feel very confident that I would have a positive outcome. I never doubted that I would be OK. My surgery went to plan, very little pain afterwards and the neat scars have healed quickly and well and, to date, I have had no problems whatsoever either post surgery or post RT.”

“I have been looked after by Mr Osman since 2015 and throughout this time he has been amazing. So kind and thoughtful, compassionate, professional and warm. Even during my low periods he has sought to provide me comfort and has never dismissed me or made me feel bad about my situation. I look forward to seeing Mr Osman it is never a trial and I would feel quite sad if for whatever reason I was not able to be under his care anymore. I feel very fortunate to be under Mr Osman’s care.”